Discover UpSlide's Pricing Framework

Our prices are adapted to our clients’ needs, they specifically depend on:

The size of your team
Feature package options
Your unique customization and setup

What is UpSlide compatible with?

UpSlide can be installed on any machine equipped with Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 (x32 or x64), Microsoft Office 2016, Office 2019, Office 365. UpSlide is a VSTO add-in and cannot be installed on a Mac.

How much does UpSlide cost?

UpSlide prices depend on the number of licenses you require, the options you want and your setup model. If you want to know how much UpSlide would cost for you, please get in touch with us and our team will give you a personalized quotation.

How long is the setup?

The setup phase has three major steps: project preparation, customization and roll-out. Its length will then depend on the level of customization needed, the number of users to train, the options you choose. On average this process lasts less than six weeks.

Do you offer discounts to NGOs or B Corps?

Yes, we do. Our Discount Levels for Clients with Positive Impact Projects (DISCO Project) offers a 15% discount to clients who hold a B Corp label, and a 30% discount to international non-profit and public organizations.